Easy, suitable for everyone, exciting.
what is a larp
It's living a story
in the first person.

what is a larp
do you prefer a video?Participating in a larp is like becoming the protagonist of a movie, you make all the choices. You basically play a character and play him or her in the most spontaneous way.
There is no audience and no written lines. The great thing is that each larp tells a different story: you’ll be able to play a dangerous outlaw, a witch threatened by the Holy Inquisition, a guerrilla fighting for freedom, one of the last survivors of mankind and much more.
You’ll experience the narrative firsthand: thrilling, unraveling mysteries, opening your heart. And the story changes depending on the choices that are made.
Maybe you haven’t heard of it yet, but it is very popular and people of all ages participate. In Europe alone, hundreds of thousands of people participate in larp every year.
By the way, larp stands for Live Action Roole-Playing.
will I be able?
Of course. All of our events are designed to be accessible to anyone. No expertise, no skills, no being an “actor” is required. And you’ll find many others like you who are at their first larp and then there’s our super staff that will support you every step of the way.
what happens if I make a mistake?
You can’t go wrong, I know it sounds weird, but you can. You just have to put yourself out there and everything else comes from there.
why participate?
You can set automated english subtitles.

RPG design, Larp & Beyond
Abbiamo sempre un occhio alle nuove forme dello storytelling. Curioso?

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